25. Brandy Old and Michelle Hogue reflecting on the Iniskim Campus Ecology Project at the University of Lethbridge

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About the Episode

We tried something new with this episode and Brandy and Michelle were true innovators stepping into uncharted territory. Brandy Old is the Manager of Agility at the University of Lethbridge, and a few years ago embarked on the journey of Indigenizing the campus grounds at U of L: now known as the Iniskim Campus Ecology Project. The goal of the project was to revitalize campus grounds with traditional Indigenous plants while creating a space for the community to learn about Blackfoot culture, traditions, and land practices. She graciously shares the stumbles she had along the way and the learnings that came from them. 

Michelle Hogue is Cree Metis from Saskatchewan and she is an Associate Professor and the Coordinator of Indigenous Student Success cohort program at U of L. Her work is about enabling indigenous academic success in the space of bridging cultures both in Canada and Australia. She listened to Brandy’s story and shared her perspective on it as well as other thoughts pertaining to the subject. 

If you’re interested in being a guest on the show, contact Elise (elise@absiconnect.ca) with a few details about yourself and your story.

Thank You!

We’d like to thank our funding partner the Suncor Energy Foundation, our fearless guests on the show, co-hosts Babs Weber, Christine Spottiswood, and Brooks Hanewich and producer, editor, and host of the show Elise Martinoski of ABSI Connect.