March 2020

Find the full newsletter here: Updates from Albertan Changemakers (March 2020)


  1. ABNN's COVID-19 Resources
    To help you keep track of government updates and support for nonprofits, the Alberta Nonprofit Network (ABNN) has updated their website with:
    - Gov Programs & Extensions
    - Social Services Support & Funding
    - Sector Advocacy Efforts
    - Resources for Talking to Funders
    Add your voice! Take this quick survey from ABNN to share the impact of the pandemic and what's needed to support the nonprofit and voluntary sector at this time.

  2. When Social Innovation meets COVID-19
    In what can be a disorienting and frightening time, it is encouraging to see glimmers of hope and positive action. Check out this snapshot of actions and opportunities compiled by the Centre for Peace Advancement at the University of Waterloo.

  3. Tools, Resources, and Tips for Working from Home
    Over the past two weeks, we've heard quite a few challenges and questions related to working from home. Check out this round-up of tips, resources, and tools from TechSoup Canada

  4. Video: Connecting Edmonton Seniors
    See this short video profile of a collaborative effort to address feelings of isolation among seniors in Edmonton.


  1. Creativity and Mental Health Supports with Eily Aurora
    Eily Aurora (one of the participants in ABSI Connect's Community Catalyst Program) is offering online creativity & mental health support for changemakers in ABSI Connect's community. Start your Monday mornings with online celtic harp meditations and/or sign up for a group call to anchor your creative vision. Details and registration info here.

  2. Online Opportunities from Tamarack Institute
    Looking for learning opportunities during COVID-19? Join one of the many webinar offerings from the Tamarack Institute on topics such as: 
    - Evaluating community development efforts 
    - Strategies for reducing poverty
    - Systems change
    - Working remotely

  3. The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is online this week
    Meetups, panels, moderated sessions, and more are open to the public this week. Attend from your couch!