Alberta's Social Innovation Ecosystem Reading/Viewing List

We've noticed that social innovators in Alberta do a lot of reading, documentary-watching and idea dissecting! While we've been a wee bit busy with fellowship obligations to find the time to peruse all the recommendations we've received throughout our inquiry, we thought we'd throw them out there for others to check out at their leisure.

So here it is, the top ten books/essays/movies as recommended by various actors within Alberta's social innovation ecosystem (listed in alphabetical order by title):

Accelerate” by: John Kotter 

"Creative Confidence" by: Tom Kelley and David Kelly 

"Design, When Everybody Designs" by: Ezio Manzini

Forces for Good - 6 Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits” by: Leslie R. Crutchfield

Getting Beyond Better” by: Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg

Getting to Maybe” by: Frances R. Westley, Brenda Zimmerman, and Michael Patton

"Impact" by: Al Etmanski

"The Economics of Happiness" by: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick and John Page

The Great Turning” by: Joanna Macy

Where Good Ideas Come From” by: Steven Johnson

Happy reading/viewing!

