August 2019

Find the full newsletter here: Updates from Albertan Changemakers (August 2019)


  1. Driving Social Change at Scale with (and from within) Government
    See examples of how government is working with, and learning from, the private sector as it tackles complex systemic challenges in this recent article from +Acumen(featuring the Alberta Health Services Design Lab!).

  2. Reparations and Reconciliation: Embracing Indigenous Social Innovation and Changing the Rules of Philanthropy
    Melanie Goodchild shares her perspectives on the role philanthropy could play in reconciliation in this article for the Philanthropist's social innovation series.

  3. What Would Love Do?
    In the latest episode of Maybe, Cheryl Rose and her podcast guests explore the connection between love and social innovation, and what it could mean for an increasingly tense and divided world.

  4. Social R&D Practices
    Curious about how you might bring research and development (R&D) practices more intentionally into your changemaking work? Check out the Social R&D Practices and Patterns on the new website for the Social R&D Community.


  1. Connecting Hard-to-Reach Communities:
    Register to join Tamarack's 1-day workshop, where you'll learn innovative principles and practices for truly hearing all voices in the practice of community change (October 7 in Edmonton).

  2. Are you part of a network or collaborative initiative that is tackling a complex community challenge?
    Apply to join Eval Lab and learn how to bring more strategic learning into your daily work (September 13 deadline).

  3. Living with Tension:
    Register to join the Systemic Design Exchange (SDX) community of practice, the City of Edmonton's Recover team, and InWithForward for a frank exploration of what it really means to build partnerships that can tolerate high uncertainty & ambiguity (Sept 4 in Edmonton).

  4. The Future of Urban Work summit is looking for delegates.
    Apply to be a delegate at the Future of Urban Work summit in Edmonton this October. You'll have the opportunity to connect with 60 young leaders across Canada through an immersive social innovation process.

  5. Are you working on an innovative approach that helps solve an SDG goal?
    Apply for funding through the Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program. Funding is available to support innovative approaches that will support the Government of Canada's 2030 Sustainable Development Goal agenda (Sept 19 deadline).